
Revien on 11.11.11

Although the date itself is full of cosmic foreboding, nothing cataclysmic will happen on Friday EXCEPT the new Athens, GA chamber trio
Revien will be playing at Hendershot's Coffee Bar
Hopefully, jousting string frequencies won't set off a chain reaction which rends a giant fissure in the time space continuum, but Doc Brown has said there's still a chance.

Here's the "gig skinny" from Revien's tumblr spot:

And here's a little taste of Ellington from last time at Hendershot's:

Revien - official site
Revien - on the Book, Face that is.
Live review of Revien's debut - Music-loving Athenians (redundant?), you don't have to go far for quality this high.  Don't be saddled with regret; just be there!